Best online coaching centre for amie
course in India
Modulation Institute is one of the best online coaching center
for amie course in Delhi, India. It's online classes include pendrive & downloadable courses
with recorded video lectures, sample notes & question papers. The study
materials of amie section A & Sec B
is filtered by our best faculty (experienced & well qualified).
How to join amie classes
You can join our classes by fill up form from our website (
Or You can contact us by WhatsApp / Call
(011-40158622, 9015781999) us directly
Amie Syllabus
The entire course of AMIE
has been divided into two parts ( Section A and Section B ). The details of Section A Syllabus For Diploma
& non diploma holders get from here :
Details of
Section B
The section B has total 9 subjects, wherein 6 are compulsory
and 3 are optional
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Course Duration
The time required to complete the AMIE course changes,
depending on one's qualification. Once you joined (got membership registration)
the maximum period available for completing the course is 12 years. More Info
Exam centre
Question Papers
The question papers of previous years for sec A & B are
available on website:
How to get course:
Modulation provides courses for Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Science and Electronics & Communication
You can get course in two modes - Pendrive & Downloadable mode