AMIE Exam Winter 2019 - Date, Time, Center & Schedule

Dec 7-13, 2019

  AMIE Winter Exams shall be conducted at 70 Examination Centres in India and abroad during Dec 7-13, 2019.

AMIE Winter (December ) Exam 2019

The Exam of AMIE Winter 2019 starts from December 7, 2019. A student can appear examination in a center anywhere in India or abroad. But the candidate is not allowed to appear in more than 4 subjects at a time. If he fails in 1 subject, he can appear the same subject again till he completely passes that subject.

Those who wish to appear for examination must apply in the prescribed format at the time mentioned below. When a student clears all subjects in both sections A and B he is said to have passed A.M.I.E examination and becomes a qualified graduate engineer.

Who can apply for Exam

All members (Technician / Senior Technician / Associate, etc) of Institution having valid membership number are eligible for appearing the AMIE examination. If you are waiting for membership after submitting application form, then you cannot apply before getting your membership number
However, if you got your membership number and waiting for ID card, you are also eligible for applying. You will need to produce the ID card at the exam hall only.

Exam Fee

Examination fee is Rs 3000/- for appearing in any centers in India, and 225 USD, outside India. The examination fee is same irrespective of the number of subjects you appear at a time/chance.

Mode of Fee Payment

AMIE Examination fee is to be paid in the form of DD only drawn in favor of "The Institution of Engineers (IEI) India", payable at Kolkata. Cheque /Money Order etc will not be accepted. Online fee payment option is also available (for those who apply online).

How to apply for exam

The application for examination can be submitted online or offline (by post). The procedure for applying for AMIE examination is given below.

Procedure Offline application

1.Get the Application Form (you can use the form which is available with your admission pack) or you may download the form from the website.
2.Draw DD for exam fee. The DD must drawn in favor of "The Institution of Engineers (India)" payable at Kolkata.
3.Write your ST/T number and name in the reverse side of DD.
4.Choose your preferred examination center and note down code number of that center.
5.Fill up exam form. Don't forget to enter correct DD details, various exam related codes
6.Keep a Xerox copy of filled up exam form and DD for future reference.
7.You can see a Sample Application Form here.
8. Application is to be addressed to

     The Secretary & Director General
     The Institution of Engineers (India)
     8, Gokhale Road
AMIE Exam Winter (December) 2019
AMIE exam Winter 2019 shall be conducted at 70 Examination Centres in India and abroad from December 01, 2019. You can apply for the exam as per the schedule mentioned below.

Exam Centers
There are 70 examination centers all over India and abroad. Students may choose any examination center to his convenience. The preferred exam center need be selected only at the time of applying for exam. If wishes, he may change exam center in each semester.
Hall Ticket (Admit Card)
Hall tickets will not be sent to any one's address. Students can download hall ticket from website about two week prior to commencement of examination and get the print out of the same. They have to furnish the admit card as well as Membership card at the exam hall entrance.

Modulation Institute
Best for video classes for AMIE Sec A & B
